We begin our day with prayer
We begin our day with prayer
Heart of Jesus, we adore thee
Heart of Mary, we implore thee
Heart of Joseph, pure and just
In these 3 hearts we place our trust

Mat Time
Mat times include activities such as singing, dancing, reading, and talking about our families, and community. Here at the Marian Centre, we have 3 mat times throughout the day: 9:00AM, 11:30AM, and 2:00PM.
Curriculum Learning Groups
After morning mat time our children attend their curriculum learning group according to their age. Each of our teachers is assigned to an age group and carry out planned activities in accordance with our weekly theme.
Indoor Play
Our tamariki enjoy a variety of crafts in our large craft area. Our indoor space also has a family play area with a brand new kitchenette for family role play. We also have a library and a large play area for various forms of play.
Outdoor Play
Throughout the day our tamariki enjoy our extensive outdoor play area. This includes our natural wood playground, large sandpit with a water pump for construction play, our music corner, and our very popular bike track.
Our children also enjoy feeding our chickens and helping with the collection of their eggs. They also take part in the care and harvesting of our vegetables and fruits.